This is the first video in Walmsley-Griffiths’ Shutter Release commission for The Living City.
Shutter Release is a series of photography sessions designed to create connection to each other in our immediate environment and find space to slow our own thoughts and connect to the present moment.
The learning playlists guides participants through a series of practical sessions where either a DSLR camera or a phone camera can be utilised to explore the world we live in at home, or on a walk. You can find out more about the project below.
Activities to complete
You may want to complete the following activities before watching the video.
Links to Pinterest photography tips continue throughout sessions including DSLR and phone photography. It doesn’t matter what camera you use – the sessions are designed to allow photography, encourage escapism and to be in the moment.
“When I have a camera in my hand, I know no fear.”
– Alfred Eisenstaedt
Mindfulness in photography intro: Time 40 mins to 1 hour:
Sit for 10 minutes quietly. Choose a safe space inside or outside, listen to the sounds around you listen to a 10 min meditation here. Breath in and count 1, breath out on count 2. Play the link to access a video taking you through a guided meditation. Bring your mind to the sensation of smell as well as sound. Enjoy
When you open your eyes notice what is immediately around you. Walk or wander (if you are inside) around the space. Listen to any sounds you might hear, there is no rush remember to take your time.
Now photograph anything that interests you using your phone camera or your DSLR
A flower, an animal, the colour green, a cup, a colour, a cat close up, a wisp of steam off a cup of coffee, light coming in a window. Think about the mundane too – it’s just about how you frame it. Tips on framing
1. Choose 7 images that illustrate your first session and choose 1 or 2 words that reflect or describe the image use your social media of choice and add #Shutterrelease to share your image.
2. Think about How you felt when you first opened your eyes – can you describe it? Think about the sensation here or use 3 words.
3. Try and create an image that describes that feeling – no need to overthink it. There is no wrong or right – upload the image you are happy with to your social media of choice, with one word and #Shutterrelease
More about Shutter Release
With lockdown in mind the photography sessions incorporate meditation encouraging and allowing ways to slow down, breathe and to use all of our senses to connect with who we are and where we are in the world using simple techniques incorporating the 5 ways to well being, the 5 sessions invite a new photographic journey over 5 days which can be in succession or further apart dependent on the journey maker.
5 ways to well being
- Connect. Each person you meet is a doorway into another world. …
- Be Active. Let’s not get it twisted – what you do with your body can have a powerful effect on your mental wellbeing.
- Keep Learning. A comfort zone is a cool place but nothing ever grows there. …
- Help Others. …
- Take Notice. ..
The sessions will explore how photography is a visual language with the ability to tell personal stories and create strong lines of communication.
Develop ideas around creativity as sharing and the benefits of common and shared experience.
Help us to tell our own stories whilst exploring proven elements of wellbeing and feelings of empowerment.
You can use videos, photographs and audio as well as writing descriptions of your experiences and where comfortable share your experience on your social media platform of choice using the hashtag #shutterrelease.
About Claire Walmsley-Griffiths
Claire seeks to make human connections through photography by using a camera to start conversations.
Her work explores the psychology of people, places, our identity, what community is, was, and what it might become? She creates art installations using her pictures alongside audio recordings that trigger exchanges of shared experiences and consider how we measure self-worth. She is interested in collaboration and making connections with people by sharing alternative ways to take photographs through experimental techniques.
To find out more about Claire Walmsley-Griffiths and her other work go to her website
@cjgriffphoto Twitter
@CjGriffithsPhotography Facebook
@cjgriffithsphoto Instagram
The Living City project is produced by They Eat Culture, & supported by the Community Lottery Fund & Arts Council England.